This weekend I did a little back patio make-over. I added fence around our strawberry/blueberry patch and around the flower bed to help keep the puppy and kids out. I added some mulch and painted some rocks to add to the high level of cuteness and then... realized my patio decor is LACKING! So I did what I do and whipped up some cute signs to help tie it all together.
I had thought about using bright summery colors like teal, coral, bright blue but then realized that our house is tan and I painted both sets of french back doors red with brown trim last summer so I used my Chalky & CO paints and products (THAT I LOVE!) to paint the signs in neutral and matching colors. I stained all of the boards with Spanish Willow (black) and then applied our beeswax bar around the edges and sporadically over the surface to allow for easy distressing after they are painted. Then I painted them in Vintage White, cut custom stencils and painted the lettering Moosehide Brown and the flower, bee and butterfly with our Apple Spice. I applied Flat Velvet Top Coat over it all to keep it protected in the sun and heat. I am so happy with the way our little "oasis" is coming together and love spending time on the patio with our family.
If you would like any of these or other customized signs for you patio contact me to place an order or request a quote. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!